One aspect that has always captured my attention in terms of creating work is energy. To me, energy is the invisible force guiding us, motivating us, and affecting each path we come across in our everyday lives. While leveraging energy as a universal and relatable concept, I seek to build work in a parallel juxtaposition to our society. By portraying cosmic playgrounds, I aim to create art that captivates viewers and bridges their experiences from this world into an imaginary version.
Living in a densely populated city has had a tremendously direct impact on what comes out in the physical form of my work. I strive to be fully present and immersed where I am, so that I can stretch those observations into a scenery of distorted reality beyond my surroundings.
I also incorporate biomorphic qualities and personifications of creatures that resonate with the human mind. My work does not have a singular goal nor overarching theme; rather, converges vibrant imagery into a rhythmic notion, ultimately creating provocative scenery, metaphysical worlds, cityscapes, all alongside many depictions of a metropolis. I assemble these scenes using various mediums including cyanotypes, non-traditional painting, photography, photo transfers, polystyrene sculpting, and found objects.
Brent Hayden is a mixed-media artist living in San Francisco. His work has been showcased at many galleries in the Bay Area. In addition to showing his own work, he contributes back to the creative community by hosting events, curating artists for pop-up shows, and teaches a mixed-media after-school program in the Castro.